Hose Reel & Hose Replaces
Hose Reel & Hose Replaces
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Replaces 31108661 on GREENWORKS Model 51012

Hose Reel & 25' Hose

<span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13); font-family: Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, " segoe="" ui",="" roboto,="" ubuntu,="" cantarell,="" "noto="" sans",="" sans-serif,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" arial,="" "apple="" color="" emoji",="" "segoe="" ui="" symbol",="" emoji";="" font-size:="" 16px;="" white-space-collapse:="" preserve;="" background-color:="" rgb(255,="" 255,="" 255);"="">The Greenworks Model 51012 hose reel repair kit 31108661 is a comprehensive package designed to address issues with the hose reel assembly in Greenworks pressure washers. Along with essential repair components such as bearings, washers, and springs, this kit includes a new 25-foot hose. The hose reel repair kit is meticulously crafted to ensure compatibility with the Model 51012 pressure washer, providing users with a convenient solution to restore functionality and extend the lifespan of their equipment. With the addition of the new hose, users can effectively replace damaged or worn-out hoses, ensuring efficient and reliable performance during cleaning tasks.
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